Sunday, March 29, 2020

AOC Chemistry

AOC ChemistryOne of the most exciting aspects of college is completing the major of Acro Chemistry. Chemistry majors work under an AOC that requires them to understand the concepts of physics, chemistry and biology as well as knowledge of anatomy and human behavior. The knowledge of all these concepts helps the chemistry student to develop, modify and apply various concepts in order to design and manufacture products which are of utility to people.For AOC students, it is important to understand the interaction between the different chemical components as well as how these components affect the performance of the system. Acro Chemistry offers a number of avenues through which students can begin this research. For example, the concept of control is the fundamental cornerstone of the study of chemistry and when students are able to work with control over substances, they will be able to manipulate and create systems which cannot exist in nature. Theoretical and analytical techniques are used in order to determine and track the relationship between the variables of a system and the desired outcome.When developing and working with real systems, the laboratory and its working environment must be considered as one of the basic area of study for chemistry. Through art, students learn the practical skills and attitudes necessary to achieve these tasks. Some of the activities that are required in AOC include the development of compositions, analysis of the effects of various substances and measurement of the changes in a compound or a mixture which could affect the end product.To perform these tasks successfully, students have to understand the concept of reaction. The basic principles of reaction are largely dependent on the work of Albert Einstein. The concepts of chemical reaction could be discussed with the help of a mixture of theoretical and experimental methods. For example, in the chemical reactions between the acids and the bases, the rate at which the acid comb ines with the base should be calculated.AOC Chemistry students must also be able to memorize the chemical formulas. This is necessary to be able to recognize the meaning of every formula as well as the need to note the various symbols which must be used when entering formulas in the worksheet.AOC Chemistry studies cover topics which include thermodynamics, equilibrium, distribution, kinetics, chemical bonding, nucleation, mechanism, entropy, conservation laws, and dynamic equilibrium. The content of this subject can be greatly benefited by being exposed to various educational materials, which might include laboratory courses such as TOLAP, NALTAP, NCE and OSLE. These courses cover a comprehensive range of topics in AOC Chemistry, which students can incorporate into their AOC studies.In addition to all these courses, students can also gain valuable exposure through the professional-oriented College Career Services (CCS) program. The CCS focuses on the professional development of AOC Chemistry students as well as the general education of all students attending this particular college.

Friday, March 6, 2020

5 tips for getting a TEFL certification online while you travel

5 tips for getting a TEFL certification online while you travel Need a TEFL certification but you’re itching to take off to a faraway place ASAP? You can travel the world and get certified at the same time with an online TEFL certification course. As Teach Away's TEFL Program Lead, I get a lot of questions from prospective students who want to get certified but don’t want to hold off on their travel plans. Well, great news: you don’t need to delay either! The beauty of online TEFL courses is that they are self-paced, super flexible and can be completed from anywhere in the world. So you can study wherever your heart desires. In fact, there are many advantages that come with studying on the road. For one thing, if you’re not sure where you want to teach English abroad, traveling can help you make that decision. Visiting different countries can give you an idea of what places are really like before you commit to living and working in one location. Or, if you decide that you don’t want to settle down in one place, you can continue your nomad lifestyle by teaching English online. That’s right: once you’re TEFL certified, you’ll have a great way to make money while you travel. Pretty awesome, right? But before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s circle back to doing a TEFL course first. How can you complete a TEFL certification course while traveling? Enroll in an online TEFL course that’s flexible and self-paced. Make sure you have all the tech gear you’ll need to take with you. Choose travel destinations with reliable WiFi access. Budget for a longer trip with a flexible itinerary. Start your journey and study wherever (and whenever) you want! 1. Choose a flexible online TEFL certification that you can do from anywhere. Everyone’s English teaching journey should start with a TEFL course because one thing is for sure: you'll need a TEFL certificate to teach English abroad. If you’re ready to start your globetrotting adventure now, there are two great options for getting TEFL certified while studying abroad. The first one is doing an online TEFL certification course. This is undoubtedly the more flexible and affordable option. You’ll learn all the same content as in a face-to-face TEFL course, plus have the freedom to study from wherever you want, whenever you want. So then you can bounce from country to country or settle in any overseas destination you choose. Worried about balancing your free time with studying? Don’t! Since online TEFL courses are self-paced, you won’t be tied down to a specific schedule or time zone. The second option is doing an in-person TEFL course abroad. But this option can be very pricey, once you’ve factored in course fees, airfare, student visa costs and accommodations. Plus, you’ll be tied to one location for weeks, whether you like it or not. So if you’re looking for a TEFL certification course that can move with your travels, you’ll find that getting certified online is much more flexible than doing a course in person. Of course, choosing the right TEFL course for you will depend on your budget and travel goals. So you should do some research before enrolling in a course. 2. Gear up with everything you’ll need to study online while you travel. If you’re planning to study online while traveling, here are some things you’ll need to take with you: A laptop with WiFi connectivity Sure, mobile devices like tablets and smartphones have come a long way. But you still can’t beat the capabilities of a laptop when it comes to completing an online course. If you don’t have a laptop already, don’t worry about spending too much. Nowadays, there are laptops out there for every budget. Just look for one that’s light and small enough to fit in your carry-on. Laptop charger This may seem obvious, but I’ll remind you just in case: You won’t get very far if you can’t plug your laptop in, so don’t forget to bring your charger! Power adaptors You also won’t get far with a charger that won’t fit in a power outlet, so you’ll need to bring the right travel adaptors with you. Before you leave on your trip, double-check the outlets and voltages in the countries you’ll be traveling to and get the right adaptors for each place. A protective laptop case Since you’re going to be moving from place to place, it’s also a good idea to bring a protective case for your laptop to make sure it survives the journey â€" especially if you’ll be living out of a backpack! Headphones Online TEFL courses often include instructional videos, so you’ll want to pack some headphones for your listening comfort. If you can fit them into your budget, noise-canceling headphones are ideal for minimizing distractions when you’re studying in public places. Luggage locks Traveling with valuables can be stressful. So for your own peace of mind, it’s always good to secure your bags with a luggage lock. And if you’ll be staying in hostel dorms, always ask if there are lockers in shared rooms where you can safely store your tech gear. So, to review, here’s the short list of the things you’ll need to add to your packing list: What do you need to pack to study while you travel? Laptop Laptop charger Travel adaptors Protective laptop case Headphones Luggage locks 3. Plan a travel itinerary with optimal WiFi access. For any online student, a reliable WiFi connection is essential! So keep in mind that even though WiFi is now a given in many countries, it’s still not accessible everywhere. That’s why making sure that you’ll have reliable internet access on your trip will take a bit of planning. A good place to start is making sure any accommodations you book have good WiFi connections. Most hotels nowadays have free WiFi available in your room, where you can study with no distractions. Hostels normally have WiFi in rooms and/or common areas. Cafés and restaurants are another good source of WiFi, but will take a little more research on your part. There’s nothing more annoying than finding a cute cafe to work in, ordering a coffee, and then finding out it doesn’t have WiFi. Getting out and going somewhere local to study also means you don’t have to cut yourself off from traveling while you study. You can get your work done while enjoying the local scenery and delicacies at the same time. Also, keep in mind that you should plan your itinerary carefully if you want to visit remote places without internet access, like national parks, campsites or undeveloped areas. You should plan to visit these places when you know you won’t need to complete online coursework. 4. Extend your travels (and study time) by budgeting for a longer trip. It’s the eternal travel dilemma: do you take advantage of a once-in-a-lifetime trip by packing in as many activities as you can, or do you take a proper break and really, truly, relax? It’s all about finding the right balance between travel and coursework. Studying is going to be an extra pull on your time while you travel. You don’t want to miss out on any experiences because you’ve got to hit the books (or, in this case, the online modules). There are a few simple ways to make sure you are staying on top of your studies and still having fun in your free time! Firstly, budgeting for a longer trip will put you under less time pressure and, hopefully, mean you can fully dedicate yourself to whatever you’re doing: whether that’s mastering a new teaching approach, or simply laying on the beach. You can also save money on longer trips by seeking out budget-friendly destinations, accommodations and transportation. 5. Enjoy traveling the world while getting TEFL certified. Once you’ve planned your trip, enrolled in your online TEFL course and packed everything you’ll need, it’s time to hit the road! But remember to be realistic. Don’t try to fit studying into a packed itinerary, or else you won’t have time to enjoy your travels. Finding the perfect balance between studying online and traveling will take some time. You won’t want to miss any opportunities in the destinations you visit, but learning something new can take time too. Two of the best tips for success for online TEFL courses are, firstly, don’t rush your studies. And, secondly, spread the work out rather than trying to cram everything in at the last minute. Most 120-hour TEFL courses take 4 weeks of full-time study to complete, but the University of Toronto OISE TEFL and International House UC Berkeley TEFL both give students 12 months to complete their online TEFL courses. To get the most out of your schedule, you can dedicate an hour or two a day to coursework and still be able to finish in as little as 6 to 12 weeks. Your travels will not only be filled with new cultures, countries and friends but thanks to your TEFL course, brand new skills too. And who knows, you might like some of the places you visit so much that you end up living (and teaching!) there in the future. Time to take the leap! Whatever stage of trip planning you’re at, you can start your TEFL journey today by enrolling in a TEFL course and working on it at your own pace. If you’d like to learn more, feel free to set up a call with me. I’m always happy to chat about all things TEFL!

Three Ways Color Can Help You Succeed In College

Three Ways Color Can Help You Succeed In College 1. Daily Planner- Keeping a planner in college is the best and most sufficient way of keeping track of assignments, exams, homework, and the normal everyday plans you have. Anyone who has tried a planner before knows, it can get messy and confusing. There comes a point where you don’t know what you wrote, the pencil smeared, so you don’t know which class has a quiz on Thursday. COLOR CAN SOLVE THIS ISSUE! Find colored, thin tip markers, and make a key at the front of the calendar; give each class a color: blue for Math, pink for Science, orange for History, etc. If you have a job, give that a color. Anything you have every week should get a color. Everything you write in the calendar has to be in the colored marker that the note corresponds to. Say, you have a test in History on Friday: the word “Test” in the Friday box in orange, so then it takes up way less space, and won’t smear! Have a color for “personal” items, like a doctor’s appointments, grocery store, or soc ial events. I like to make this my favorite color because I find this stuff the most fun! This way, when you open your calendar you can quickly find what you need, and you know exactly where it goes.2. Notes- I cannot stress enough how important color is in your notes!! When you go to class, come with just a normal black or blue pen, and take your notes using that. In addition, use highlighters! Highlight key terms in yellow, examples in green, things you have questions about or don’t understand in green. DO THIS DURING CLASS!! After class when you are at home, go back through your notes and use those colors! Define your key terms, redo the examples, and try to find answers to the parts of the lecture you maybe didn’t understand. Read the textbook with your notes open right next to it and use the colored pens from your planner to add in extra info that may be on the test. You won’t believe how much this helps in the daily life of understanding your class material and reinforci ng ideas. It makes studying for things much more entertaining because the notes look beautiful3. To Do Lists- Last, a great place to use color is in a To Do List. This goes hand in hand with the daily planner mentioned earlier. Each week, take all the items you see in your planner and organize them on a separate sheet of paper. Then, for each item, write tasks you can do or steps you can take to complete the item and check it off the list. For example, if you have an Exam in your Math Class on Friday, some steps you can take to help study would be to redo the homework assignments, go over the lecture notes from class, and plan a study group with a friend. Now that all these tasksare writtenout, still in their colors, you can prioritize by what needs tobe done. That way, you aren’t cramming at the last minute trying to study or finish a book report because you forgot about it. The colors help keep track of what class you’re doing things for, or what subject you really need to foc us on. You may have one assignment in math, and one in history, but if there are more steps to take for the math assignment, which is a test, you know you need to spend a lot more time on math than on history.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

8 Tips to Make Your Job Search Easier

8 Tips to Make Your Job Search Easier Image via Take advantage of the Internet In the digital age, job searching is significantly different than it was thirty years ago. Job recruiters place much more emphasis on the Internet nowadays, so you should, too! You can take advantage of the wonderful resources the Internet has to offer for job searchers in many ways. For example: Create a LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn is a powerful tool for recruiters and for job searchers. If you don’t already have a profile, set one up. It will only take a few minutes, but it will make you visible to recruiters who are searching for applicants on there. If you already have a profile, update it with any recent information and with a recent, professional looking picture. Try to use it often, too, so people know that you are active. “Like” pages every once in a while and give your colleagues good endorsements (they might return the favor and give you a good endorsement, too.) Being active on LinkedIn with a good profile will make you more visible to recruiters and will make jobs more visible to you, making it overall easier to find a job that suits you. Use job search engines Another online tool you can use to find a job is a job search engine. It’s as simple as signing up, entering the criteria for a job you want, and the search engine will return a list of jobs that match your criteria. You can use more popular job search engines like Monster, or lesser known ones. Even if you don’t find anything for your specific position, it’s still good to know what’s available. Sign up for email job alerts Continuing from the previous point, these job search engines (and LinkedIn, too) often have the option to sign up for email alerts. I would highly recommend this, as it is very convenient to be alerted via email when there is an opening for a position you are interested in. Be organized Just like college applications, it’s important to be organized in your job applications. Make an Excel spreadsheet with the company and position you applied to, and the date you applied. Also, write down the dates of any interaction you have with the company (for example, if you call them to ask about the status of your application, write that information down in your spreadsheet!). This spreadsheet will help you keep track of all the places you applied to and when, as it is very easy to forget these details. Use your professional development resources If you are still a student, you likely have many professional development resources at your disposal. Your school will likely have a career or professional development center that you can visit. Make an appointment with them, and they will help you write your resume and cover letter. They can also help you prepare for interviews, once you do hear back from the company you applied to. Your school’s career center might also host professional development seminars. These are definitely worth attending, too. Use the professional development resources that are available to you as a student. Tailor your application to make yourself an obvious good fit Job postings are helpful when filling out your application because it will spell out exactly what the company is looking for in their new hire. The job posting should outline skills and experience that the company wants their new team member to have. When writing your application, keep the job posting next to you and tailor your application to fit what the company is looking for. You can even use the same keywords the job posting uses! For example, if they are looking for someone who has a great administrative ability, use your application to highlight your administrative ability. Or better yet, tell a story in which you demonstrate your amazing ability. When you tailor your application to make yourself a good fit for the company, the company is more likely to be interested in hiring you. Gain skills that are important for your industry What’s the hottest new skill needed in your field? Is it programming? Or knowing a foreign language? Figure out what this hot new skill is, and learn it. It will make you a much more attractive candidate. For example, in my field (the biological sciences), more and more people are learning various programming languages, as programs are becoming more important for data analysis. It would be a good idea for an aspiring researcher like me to learn how to code. An applicant who has this important new skill for their field is more likely to be hired. Yes, searching for a job is difficult. However, using resources like the Internet and your school will make it much easier.

AHS General Chemistry Practice Exam

AHS General Chemistry Practice ExamThere are many areas of the AHS general chemistry practice exam that you will likely find unique. This is why it's very important to study for these specific areas because the AHS chemistry is a bit more flexible than the majority of chemistry practices available.If you've ever taken a chemistry practice exam you probably know that the different areas are very similar, but vary in the different areas of the AHS general chemistry exam. Most of the general chemistry practice exam areas focus on common topics that can apply to your classroom coursework and laboratory experience. It's important to remember that the more general a topic is, the more difficult it is for you to fully grasp it and to answer it correctly.Many chemistry practice exam areas are very similar, including one of the more common ones - tetrachloroethylene. The tetrachloroethylene area concentrates on how to answer questions about this chemical in the class setting. If you do not un derstand the substance or the experiment required to understand the substance, you may have trouble answering a question related to this chemical in a classroom setting.The next area of the AHS general chemistry practice exam focused more on lab work and equations. In this area you will be asked to fill out lab sheets from the laboratory. You will need to understand how to complete each test correctly so that you don't get penalized in the future.Another common area of the AHS general chemistry practice exam is one that we'll cover below, but which has gotten much less press in recent years - synthesis. Synthesis consists of completing a lab question about the synthesis of a chemical compound using the AHS formula. This is important to know because if you fail to meet the required level of knowledge, you will not receive an acceptable grade on the exam.Finally, let's talk about the synthesis areas of the AHS general chemistry practice exam. A synthesis area focuses on the synthesis of a chemical compound using the AHS formula. This is much like a laboratory examination because this area involves the completion of a lab sheet.Remember that the AHS general chemistry practice exam is meant to be a reflection of your real-life knowledge, skills, and abilities. As you study for the general chemistry practice exam, you need to remember that it focuses on topics that are similar to what you will learn in your classroom classes and laboratory experience. You must also remember that this practice exam is designed to test your knowledge so don't take the test for the reason of 'clearing your test.'

Organic Chemistry Tutor

Organic Chemistry TutorNow that you've chosen a tutor for organic chemistry, the next step is to choose a mentor or logging teacher. Logs provide a way to maintain a record of progress and keep track of any problems or concerns.If you choose to log the information, then you can easily keep a record of who you have tutored, when they scheduled your sessions, the details of the topics covered, how long it took, the lesson notes and the rubrics that were used. In fact, you can even tag your log with topics that may have to be reviewed during a review period, as well as the rubrics you used.It is important to keep a log of your experience, so you can continue to learn and get better at this course. Not only will this help you keep track of what is happening in your organic chemistry classes, but it can also help you keep track of anything you need to find out. You may be surprised to find out that there are some things that you can learn through a log.For example, the tutor or the mentor may tell you about a particular procedure or theory that you have not heard before. If you had not heard of it, you may want to check back and see if you can recall the subject again from your log.Logs can also provide an avenue for communication between tutor and student. In fact, it is important to let the tutor know your views and suggestions about the subject, so that he can keep improving his curriculum and keeping up with the changes that are happening in the field.In fact, in some cases, the tutor may find that you have a better understanding of the subject after reviewing your log. With this option, you can give him more in-depth explanations, which will make it easier for him to provide you with the topic material.Tutors are there to support you as well as to take the pressure off. In addition, you will get to know more about your professor's views on the subject, and this can also help you to learn about the field and improve your knowledge. What are you waiting for?

Sentence Structure English Writing Online Tutorpace

Sentence Structure English Writing Online Tutorpace A sentence is a group of words that express a meaningful idea or an event. Basically words make up phrases; phrases make up clauses that in turn are called sentences. English sentences follow specific rules for construction, expansion or for making them short. A sentence normally begins with a capital letter and ends with any of the following punctuation mark: period, question mark or exclamation point. Variety in sentence structure is an important requisite for a good style. Subject and predicate form the core elements in an English sentence. It can further be classified into different sentence types like a declarative sentence, imperative sentence, a question and an exclamatory sentence. Furthermore, English sentences are classified into simple sentences (with one independent clause, compound sentences (with two or more independent clauses) complex sentences (with one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses) and compound complex sentences (with one or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses). In addition, English sentences are constructed around five basic patterns: S+V (subject +verb), S+V+O (subject+verb+object), S+V+Adj (subject+verb+adjective), S+V+ Adv. (subject+verb+adverb) and S+V+N (subject+verb+ noun). We have discussed only a preview of sentence structure and each element needs to be explained with details.

How can distance education improve the quality of instruction

How can distance education improve the quality of instruction 0SHARESShare The quality of instruction that drive students towards academic achievement throughout their developing years is primary factor not only for student, parent but for our entire society. Today, distance education offer highly qualified tutors and high quality standards of educational resources to the learning communities with the ability to access these resources from all across the world. Online tutoring  websites attract lot of tutors who are qualified and expert in their subjects and have left out their profession for any of the reasons. It have observed that not all teachers prefer to work full-day in the unique online environment of distance teaching but the school teaching that blends face-to-face tutoring extended providing individualized academic assistance has been point of attraction for many tutors. The reputed and best online learning websites have employed qualified and experienced tutors who have state certification in their subjects. Even lots of online tutors having high level of subject knowledge and pedagogic expertise love to participate in comprehensive professional development of the students through online tutoring. The tutors engaged in distance education practice variety of pedagogic like collaborative learning, student-centered approach, independent study and research and student discussion. Effective distance learning develop skills like communicating frequently and supportively with students, organizing study material and content in clear and detailed way. They work towards transforming their improved knowledge and skills in all possible ways that increases the students’ academic success. The tutors who take online courses are likely to have higher technological skills those traditional classroom teachers. Online tutors utilize technology to prepare their students with essentially rich array of communication skills to prepare them to face challenges of technological efficient workforce of tomorrow. Expand and improve your learning, knowledge and skills with online tutoring! [starbox id=admin]

The Advantages of Drumming

The Advantages of Drumming The Benefits of Playing the Drums ChaptersTeach Children Coordination by Playing the DrumsExpressing Your Emotions with the DrumsLearning the Drums to Become CalmerLearning the Drums at a Young Age to Improve ConcentrationDevelop Their Creativity by Playing DrumsImproving a Child’s Reactions with the DrumsImprove Your Relations with the DrumsPlaying the Drums Can Improve a Child’s Discipline“If music be the food of love, play on.” - William ShakespeareA good number of teenagers play a musical instrument and the guitar, keyboard, and the drums are amongst the most popular instruments.A number of studies have shown that there are a lot of benefits to playing musical instruments such as making you smarter, improving your social life, relieving stress, giving you a sense of achievement, building confidence, improving your patience, and making you more creative!There are even more benefits if children are playing them. A child’s brain is a sponge. Playing an instrument such as the drums is beneficial for their c ognitive development.  Make sure you protect their ears, though.In this article, we’re going to have a look at 8 benefits specific to children who decide to play the drums.Find some drum lessons on here.Improving a Child’s Reactions with the DrumsPlaying the drums requires you to concentrate and coordinate your arms and legs quickly. The drums give a song its energy and the drummer sets the tempo.  They need good reflexes in order to play a song in a group. They need to also lead the group in terms of rhythm, feeling, and tempo.They’ll need to throw in a cymbal crash here, open the hi-hat there, etc. When you play the drums, you need to focus on what the band’s doing as well as what you’re playing.You will need to choose the right kind of kids drum set.This is where having good reflexes will help. Just like with concentration, good reflexes will come with practice.Improve Your Relations with the DrumsIf your child wants to learn to play the drums, you’ll have the choice between private lessons or group lessons. There are pros and cons to each type of lesson.At home, your child will build a rapport with their private tutor. It’s important to, therefore, choose the right tutor. If they don’t get along, your child will quickly get bored.Everyone remembers a teacher from school that made them hate a subject. This can be even truer when it comes to private lessons.The problem with private tutorials is that the student is on their own. This can be a disadvantage when it comes to drums.  Drums are meant to be played in a band or an orchestra.  With group classes, they have the opportunity to play with other musicians like guitarists, bassists, saxophonists, pianists, etc.  The other children will have the same level as them.In any case, the group dynamic will help them to progress more quickly. They will learn together and push each other to do better.  Being part of a group is part of a child’s development as they’ll develop empathy and respect f or others.Playing the Drums Can Improve a Child’s DisciplineDrumming from a young age is a good habit for a child to pick up. Playing the drums can improve your lifestyle, tone muscles in your arms and legs, and improve your cardio fitness.Whether in a workshop or a group, there are plenty of ways for children to learn about music. (Source: musikschule)You need to be great fitness in order to play the drums for a full hour during a concert or a gig. Once again, practising will help you improve your endurance, especially if you began playing young.  You need to put a lot of work in, too. This isn’t an easy instrument to learn and you’ll need to practise almost every day if you want to really improve.  Thus, it’s a great way to improve your discipline.A child will quickly learn that you won’t learn everything after the first attempt and that you’ll need to keep practising in order to learn that tricky drum beat.In any case, whether your child learns to drum professionally or just as a hobby, there are plenty of benefits.So are you ready to get them started with the drums?If you’re looking for private tutors, check out those on Superprof. You can search for tutors by both the subject they teach and where they are. If, for some reason, you can’t find any drum tutors near you, don’t forget that there are also tutors who can teach students over webcam with video conferencing software such as Skype.Most tutors on the platform offer free tutoring for the first hour, allowing you to see whether they get along with your child or not and giving you the freedom to choose the right tutor for your little one. Take your time choosing the right tutor.